Non Functional Testing Toolkit

The best fitted for people aiming to shift performance and security tests execution left, save time and effort on framework setup, test results analysis, as well as receive timed and accurate results and metrics reporting

Available for:

Shift-left for non-functional tests made easy

CI friendly design

Easy to Rollout

Container based solution allows to save costs on test infrastructure

Our team can help with current state analysis to identify the optimal way to continuous testing

Reduces time

Easy to Jump-start

Established non-functional testing enablement processes give first results in terms of days and weeks not a months

Out team can help to uplift existing non-functional tests to CI friendly state

Accurate metrics

Easy to Understand

Email and chat notification provide actual information on a state of application performance and security

Centralized dashboards show all non-functional trends in one place

Automated issues reporting minimize risk of problem to be forgotten

Loose coupled platform

Carrier Covers

Back to back comparison of builds

Reporting that helps

  • Performance results aggregation dashboards help to track trends in real time and over significant periods of time
  • Security program and project reports help to keeps track on flaws outstanding and ones that breaks policy compliance
  • Email and chat notifications provide actual information on state of security and performance issues and trends
  • Jira integration helps to avoid concerns and issues being missed

Carrier Adoption Flow


Most of all user interactions happening through Galloper - Carrier's web interface, which is UWSGI Python Flask application. Galloper exposes RestAPI and WebUI. Authentication is handled through auth-proxy over KeyCloak

Tests can be configured in either directly in Galloper or in Control-Tower - CI integration container

Code of tests can be stored in - Amazon S3 compatible object storage and secrets for tests better to be stored in Hashicorp Vault, both abstracted by Galloper RestAPI

Tests Scheduling (Performance, Security) happens through distributed job queue - Celery

During the execution tests report results into InfluxDB directly and to PostgreSQL through Galloper RestAPI

Reports of tests tools may be stored in Min.IO

Analysis of tests results is done by Tasks - simplified implementation of FaaS compatible with all leading FaaS provides such as Amazon Lambda, Google Functions, etc.

FaaS tasks provide analytical email and chat notifications after tests exection if configured

Control-Tower can pull threshold analysis results as a quality gates

Videos and Documentation

How to create and run backend test in Carrier

Instruction on how to create and run backend test in Carrier

How to create and run UI test in Carrier

Instruction on how to create and run UI test in Carrier

How to analyze backend performance test results

Instruction on how to analyze backend performance test results

How to analyze backend performance test results

Instruction on how to analyze UI performance test results Lighthouse, Sitespeed

Thresholds and quality gates

Instruction on how to use thresholds and quality gates

How to analyze backend performance test results

Instruction on how to analyze backend performance test results

Integration in CI with quality gates

Instruction on how to integrate in CI and failed pipeline with quality gates

How to setup load generator in Carrier

Instruction to setup load generator in Carrier

How to set baseline test in Carrier

Instruction on how to analyze backend performance test results