Service offerings

With our team of experienced performance analysts and our proven approaches, we offer tailored performance testing and consulting services to meet every client’s needs.

Backend Performance Testing

Identify and mitigate backend bottlenecks to ensure your applications run smoothly under various loads.

Frontend Performance Testing

Optimize user experience with detailed analysis of your application's frontend, enhancing responsiveness and user satisfaction.

Handover and Education

Empower your team with the skills and knowledge to maintain and extend performance testings frameworks through our expert-led training sessions.


With our Hypercare service, the delivery team can conduct tests for new builds on their own, ensuring continuous performance monitoring.


Backend performance testing service

Our performance testing specialists are committed to elevating your application's backend efficiency, ensuring robustness under peak load conditions.
Through our comprehensive testing methodologies, we pinpoint bottlenecks, optimize resource utilization, and significantly reduce potential risks, securing a seamless user experience.

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Frontened performance testing service

Our dedicated team of performance testing experts focuses on optimizing your application's frontend. We ensure that your user interface is not only visually appealing but also performs seamlessly under various user loads. By analyzing elements such as load times, response times, and user interaction patterns, we help you reduce bounce rates, improve engagement, and secure a superior user experience.

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Handover and Education

Our commitment extends beyond testing to ensure your team is fully equipped to maintain and extend the performance optimizations we implement.
Through targeted educational sessions and comprehensive handover documentation, we empower your staff with the knowledge and tools needed to sustain peak application performance. This education initiative is designed to help your team understand performance metrics, recognize potential issues, and apply best practices in performance testing and optimization.

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Our Hypercare Testing Service is designed to provide comprehensive support to your development team. We consult developers to onboard them in performance testing expertise and assist in tests execution. Our sessions with the product team are focused on answering questions and assisting them to independently manage performance testing activities within their team. This service is part of our commitment to ensure the reliability, stability, and performance of your application under varying load conditions.

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Ready to Test Your Application's Performance?

Contact us today to learn how Carrier can transform your testing process.

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